Corporate Social Responsibility Activities @ Concur IP
In order to meet the environmental, societal and ethical challenges that have become prevalent in our society, Concur IP is committed to applying a Social and Environmental Responsibility approach as a key to shared growth that is profitable for civil society and the environment in which we operate. Our CSR programme is driven by an NGO that ensures this is robust, sustainable, and complies with Concur IP’s CSR Policy and Companies Act 2013, an India government policy that mandates qualifying companies to spend a percentage of their profit towards CSR.
To help drive our commitment in supporting our communities, Concur IP has been contributing since July 2019 towards the following objectives:

To augment self-employment opportunities in the villages
Enhancement of livelihood opportunities in the rural areas
To develop rainwater harvesting system in the village for proper use of rainwater
To develop catchment area by afforestation activities
To motivate and raise awareness among villagers for judicious use, conservation, and management of natural resources