Our Approach
CLOSE COORDINATION We work closely with in-house attorneys & outside counsels to understand the process and preferences
CONSISTENT QUALITY Our team of experienced IP professionals and domain experts ensure high quality of the work product
QUICK TURNAROUND We ensure the quickest turnaround by assigning dedicated team members who coordinate with both the inventor and the attorney
COST EFFECTIVE We strive to achieve cost efficiency for our clients while maintaining consistently high quality standards
BEST PRACTICESWe create custom processes by researching best practices and incorporating clients drafting guidelines and attorney preferences
Patent Application Drafting
Our team has extensive experience in drafting patent applications COMPLIANT TO STANDARDS of US & Europe PTO's
We COLLABORATE with inventors and in-house / external counsel to ensure thorough understanding of the inventive and other technical asoects of the invention
We CUSTOMIZE THE DRAFTING PROCESS as per the filing jurisdictions and the drafting guidelines of your organization
We have been constantly applauded for our QUALITY of our drafts by our clients. According to their internal evaluation, the quality of our drafts has been found to be as good as their outside counsels' and in some cases EVEN BETTER
We follow the BEST LEGAL PRACTICES in the industry to MAXIMIZE the chances of grant
Prosecution Support
Concur IP's team has extensive experience in drafting responses compliant to standards of US & Europe PTO's
Collaborate with in-house / external counsel in drafting office action responses
Strict adherence to response deadlines to avoid late fees
Follows the best practices in the USPTO and EPO to minimize iterations during prosecution, while ensuring the broadest coverage of your patent claims.
Customize office action responses based on filing jurisdiction.
Identify relevant competitor products covered by the patent and launched after the priority date of the invention.
Determine features of such products that are incremental in light of the invention and subsequently draft additional claims or amend existing claims to cover such features.